Monday, February 24, 2014

"SteamOS" An Ultimate Operating System for Gamer's



SteamOS  is a Debian GNU/Linux-based operating system in development by Valve Corporation designed to be the primary operating system for the Steam Machine game consoles.And it is designed primarily for playing video games. Users will be able to stream games from their Windows or Mac computers to one running SteamOS, and it will incorporate the same family sharing and restrictions as Steam on the desktop. Valve claims that it has "achieved significant performance increases in graphics processing" through SteamOS. The operating system is open source allowing anyone to build on or adapt the source code.

Since SteamOS is designed for playing games it does not have many built-in functions beyond web browsing and playing games; for example there is no file manager or image viewer installed by default. Users can, however, install other software by using the inbuilt GNOME desktop environment. Though the OS does not, in its current form, support streaming services, Valve is in talks with streaming companies to bring the feature to SteamOS. The OS does not currently support AMD or Intel graphics cards and so requires an Nvidia one.


What are the SteamOS Hardware Requirements?
Processor: Intel or AMD 64-bit capable processor 
Memory: 4GB or more RAM 
Hard Drive: 500GB or larger disk 
Video Card: NVIDIA graphics card
(AMD and Intel graphics support coming soon!) 
Additional: UEFI boot support
USB port for installation 

 The next question will be how you can install it in your computer Right . there  are two methods for installation, but both will erase entire your hard disk ,so you have to take care aboout that,

Default Installation

You will need to create a SteamOS System Restore USB stick to perform this install. The image provided here requires at least a 1TB disk.

1.Download the default SteamOS beta installation(

2.Format a 4GB or larger USB stick with the FAT32 filesystem. Use "SYSRESTORE" as the partition name.
3.Unzip the contents of to this USB stick to create the System Restore USB stick.
4.Put the System Restore USB stick in your target machine. Boot your machine and tell the BIOS to boot off the stick. (usually something like F8, F11 or F12 will bring up the BIOS boot menu).
5.Make sure you select the UEFI entry, it may look something like "UEFI: Patriot Memory PMAP". If there is no UEFI entry, you may need to enable UEFI support in your BIOS setup.
6.Select "Restore Entire Disk" from the GRUB menu.
7.When it is complete it will shutdown. Power on the machine to boot into your freshly re-imaged SteamOS.

Custom Installation

The second method is based on the Debian Installer. It requires multiple configuration steps:

1.Download the custom SteamOS beta installation(

2.Unzip the file to a blank, FAT32-formatted USB stick.
3.Put the USB stick in your target machine. Boot your machine and tell the BIOS to boot off the stick. (usually something like F8, F11, or F12 will bring up the BIOS boot menu).
4.Make sure you select the UEFI entry, it may look something like "UEFI: Patriot Memory PMAP". If there is no UEFI entry, you may need to enable UEFI support in your BIOS setup.
5.Selected "Automated install" from the menu.
6.The rest of the installation is unattended and will repartition the drive and install SteamOS.
7.After installation is complete, log onto the resulting system (using the Gnome session) with the predefined "steam" account. The password is "steam". Run steam, accept the EULA, and let it bootstrap. Logoff the steam account.
8.Log on with the "desktop" account. The password is "desktop".
9.From a terminal window, run ~/ This will prompt for a password - enter "desktop". This script will perform the post-install customizations, delete itself, then reboot into the recovery partition capture utility.
10.Confirm "y" to continue and the recovery partition will be created. When it is finished, reboot into your freshly installed SteamOS.

Now you can start,you are powered with steam, YOUR WAR BEGINS HERE

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

‘ Paper ‘ the Best Facebook App ever seen


facebook has released their new iphone app called Paper to redefine the current newspaper trends . This app is now available from Apple’s App.if you are an facebook user from your iphone you should experience this app.because this is not a side project of facebook like messenger or other services .Facebook worked much hard for developing this app .
Paper’s Facebook feed is just a better-looking, more responsive version of what you’ll find inside the company’s main app. Every other section is a mix of recent and popular posts from the profile pages of Facebook's favorite publishers, curated by a small (and powerful) editorial team within the company. In Headlines, for example, you'll find posts from Time, the AP, The New York Times, Politico, and etc In Cute, you'll find a range of more curated posts from the likes of Grumpy Cat, Laughing Squid, and Zooey Deschanel's site HelloGiggle


  facebook  implemented fully revised new interface for this really does dispense with much of the stuff that associate with Facebook like companies trade mark and blue trim color everything is cleaner with a large content panel on the top and smaller horizontally – scrolling ones on the bottom, lots of big images and wonder full fluid animation effects are also enclosed in this app which gives entirely new reading passion to readers.Everything from swipes to pinch-and-zooms respond instantaneously and naturally, and images load quickly.


there is a big panel on the top and browsable smaller one below.even though the app still displays articles by giving you the same view you’d seen if you simply visited the site where it was published it shows in a less cramped full screen mode which makes for easier reading .and it provides options for saving and sharing news with your friends and all.
so why you are waiting download it now its self .

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

How To Create your Own Run Commands in Windows


There is no doubt that Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system in all parts of the world. Apart from being simple to use, it is quite rich in features as well, which makes our lives quite easy.
The Run command available on Windows operating system is one such power packed feature that lets you to open a document or an application instantly with the help of just 1 command. So, rather than clicking several icons or using multiple commands, you can use the Run command to open any program or document instantly. For that you will need to Create Run Commands for any software of your Choice which you use Frequently.
Create Run CommandsBut, do you know how to Create Run Commands of your Own? Well, it is really easy, which involves just few steps. Through this article, I will help you understand how to access your favorite applications by creating custom Run commands.

Open Run Command:

Before I show you how to create your own Run commands, let’s take a quick look on how to open Run Command. First of all, you need to open the Run window by just pressing the Windows Key along with the R key, i.e. Windows + R. Now, you have to type the name of the program that you desire to open up or execute. Unfortunately, not all programs can be accessed through this method. So, let me show you how to create Run commands that do not come as inbuilt commands.

Steps to Create run commands of your own

Step 1. The first step is to select the software or application for which you want to make custom Run command. For example, let us consider Google Chrome as the example here. Remember, you can choose any application other than which is already there in the Run command.

Increase battery life of your laptop - How to Guide


Every laptop or Netbook user these days have the same headache of limited backup time of batteries. As far as your system is new , you will have a good backup time but when it becomes a few months old you will definitely face problem of limited battery life.
So here I am giving you a solution to Increase battery life of your laptop up to a sufficient extent.
There is an inbuilt command in your computer to Increase battery life as well as the performance of the system but not all users are aware of it. Some laptops directly provide an interface with option termed as “ POWER SAVING MODE ” but  if your laptop is old or don’t have this feature by default , you need not to worry because you can do the same task manually.
If you have a laptop with Windows 7 installed, you can use the ‘powercfg‘ command . It will display useful information about your laptop’s energy consumption and usage. If  you can understand and maintain  it correctly then you can extend your Battery life and performance by great amount.

Steps Increase battery life of your laptop

Step 1: Click on the Start Menu and type “ CMD ” in the Start Search bar.
Step 2: The search will start and it will then display an icon of “ CMD ” . simply right click on it and select Run as administrator.
Step 3: It will open command line, now simply run the command “powercfg -energy” without quotes. (For windows 7users.)
Windows 8 users can Simply run the command “powercfg /energy” without quotes.
Step 4: Now Press “Enter”.
Once you successfully execute this command , Windows  will run a complete scan of  your system and it will find some ways to improve performance and power efficiency.
The results of this process will be saved to an HTML file, which is commonly  present  in the “System32” folder of most of the systems.
To access this file, simply follow the path which will be displayed in command prompt window after completion of the command. Read This file to understand that what program in your system is consuming more power and degrading the performance. Fix the Problem to Increase battery life of your laptop.

Some More Useful Tips to Increase battery life

  • Eject or Remove External Devices like Pendrive/DVDs/External HDD if not in Use
  • Run Apps that don’t Eat up much RAM
  • Disable Bluetooth of your Laptop if not in use.
  • Reduce Screen Brightness, This takes away lot of your battery, Reducing Brightness will help
  • Turn of Internet if you are not using it.
  • Make sure your Laptop’s Temperature remains Low
I am quite sure Performing these Tasks will help you to Increase battery life of your laptop.

Remove Write Protection From Pendrive and Memory Card – How to Guide


Don’t you just hate it when you buy a Pendrive or a Memory card and there’s nothing you can do to it? Whether it comes with software on it, or you’re just trying to use it for any other purpose, you should have the right to change things up however you like.
In this guide, you will be shown how to Remove Write Protection From Pendrive and Memory Card. It’s a fairly simple process, so be sure to follow each and every step carefully. This guide is for information purposes and we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device in the process.
Before we proceed, what is Write protection exactly? Write Protection is when the manufacturer locks the device down from being written on and prevents unauthorized access to add, change or delete the files on the device. While the uses of write protection is a good thing because it prevent files from being tampered with and the manufacturer can make sure all users are getting the same files, but it’s also very inconvenient. To remove this protection, to you will need to format the drive.
In this guide, I will show you exactly how to do that. Follow each and every step carefully, please. Windows platform is used for the purpose of this guide.

How to Remove Write Protection From Pendrive ?

Step 1: Plug in your pendrive into your USB 2.0 on your computer. In order to make sure the computer has read your pendrive, you can go down to your bottom left on Windows, you will notice a small USB drive icon. If you click that, it will say “Removable Disk.” This means that the pendrive has been read successfully.  You can take a backup of your files from the pendrive or Memory card, Because we here are going to format it Completely.
Step 2: Next we need to open up command prompt. You can do this by simply going to “Start”, then just search for “Command Prompt”, or you can simply just type in “cmd” and command prompt should pop up.
Step 3: In the command prompt, type in the drive letter of your pen drive with a colon at the end, like this: “ F: ” but without the quotation marks.
Step 4: After putting in the previous command, type in “format” without the quotation marks. Here’s how to do it: “format F:” and then press “Enter.”
This should get the process started to remove write protection. Make sure that you are entering the right command with the right drive letter. If you have more than one pen drive plugged in, make sure that you do select the right one as you can accidentally format the wrong drive, causing loss of data.
Step 5: After the process is complete, proceed to closing command prompt.
Congratulations! You’re successfully removed the write protection on your drive.
If you have any questions or concerns, please write them in the comments section below. Let us know how we did and how things went for you.

Customize folders with different colors in Windows


There are many softwares available today over the internet which can Customize your Computer in an efficient manner that it looks so attractive as well as it becomes very easy to use. We always want our computer to be clean and well organized so that whenever we need to access something or need to search a particular file/folder in our computer we could find it easily.
As similar to that, here I am going to share a software through which you can easily assign your favorite colors to your desired folders in order to differentiate them easily and to ease of access.

How do i Customize folders with different colors ?

Just follow the two simple steps given below to customize your folder :

Step 1 :

First of all Download and install the software FolderColorizer. It is tested and 100% virus free. You can download it from here : DOWNLOAD FOLDERCOLORIZER

Step 2 :

Now after installing the software, simply right click on any folder which you wish to customize. Here when you right click on folder, you will see a new option in the context menu i.e. Colorize !. Now simply go to that option and one submenu will appear. Now choose any color you want to assign to this folder.
Although it is a free software for everyone to use it but while you will use this software for the very first time , it will just ask your email id for activation of this software. But no need to worry because you wont need to confirm the activation by logging in to your e mail account. Even if you don’t wish to share your e mail id with developers of this software you can do it because product will be activated automatically once you enter any email id. So you can also enter any fake id if you want.
For your convenience I am providing you a screenshot of above mentioned procedure for changing folder color :
Customize folders with different Colors
In this way you will be able to easily organize folders in any of your drive weather C: , D: or any other drive. You can also assign different colors to several folders in the same drive to give it more attractive and cool looks.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

FakeOFF - Facebook fake friends finder


                                            Real-Time Scam protection!

Engage with real people on Facebook
Fake profiles and scams are all around us and can risk our safety.
Get real-time protection and detect fake friends you may think are real.
FakeOFF will never post on your behalf to your social network

For Singles
If you find yourself adding new friends often, you'd be surprised how many of them are fake. With FakeOFF you can target those fake friends and choose what to do with them.

For Parents
As parents we want our children to always be safe, but we can't control their online activity at all times. With FakeOFF you can protect them in real-time from fake profiles and scams that are hidden among their friends.

For Everyone
Online scams come in many forms, many of them can really put your life in danger. No one wants to connect with scammers and think they are new friends.

Why is that so important
Fake profiles look very real to the untrained eye. They post, chat and upload photos almost as if they were real friends, but for completely different reasons; They can be clever ads and marketing techniques, social-media savvy burglars who wait for you to check-in away from home, sex offenders on the prowl, psychopaths with personality issues and more...
Select Suspects
Build a list of suspects for investigation
Our algorithm analyzes the suspect information
Get Results
Get detailed results about your suspects with a 1-10 score
Real-Time Protection
Get alerts and notifications on new suspects in your friends list
Image Fraud Scan
See if your suspect is using someone else's photos
Private Usage
Everything you do on FakeOFF is for your eyes only

Get Real-Time Protection