Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How to Auto Shut down and Turn on PC

Auto Poweron & Shutdown is able to allow users to do this all of the following: Control your computer resume from power-off state (hibernation). 
Wake up your computer from sleep mode (standby).
Playback a keyboard and mouse macro, a useful feature for such as TV record.
Run programs, close programs, open files and open URL at any specified time. 
Logs on system automatically (Win2000/XP/Vista/7/8).
Shutdown or reboot , log off, lock session, close monitor, make computer enter sleep mode (standby/hibernation) at any time.
Synchronize your PC's time with an atomic clock server.

More Features:
Easy to use, install and configure the software in 2-10 minutes. 
Support Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8. 

You can Download the latest version here  

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today and shared this. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

How to send friend request in Facebook to unknown people and your mutual friends even you are BLOCKED!!!

1. Get the person's email address first .
2. Visit Add Personal Contacts as Friends.
3. Here you can send friend request even if your are blocked by using their email address.
4. If you want to send friend request to lot's of friends here is an quick and easy way to do this.
5. Open up a new notepad file,paste all your friends email separated by comma (,)
6. Save the notepad file with the extension .vcf
7. This is your list of your contact files containing your friends email address.

8. Go to Add Personal Contacts as Friends click on the last option other tools there you can find upload contact file.
9. Browse your .vcf file and upload to the facebook.
10. It will send friend request to your friend's by email and facebook.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Facebook Tips and Tricks

1. How to Download Facebook Videos

Simply copy the URL of the video you want to download, then go to http://www.downvids.net/, paste your link and click download. Tada! Your video will be downloaded in few minutes!

2. Track Pending Friends Requests That You Have Made

Sent a friend request but don't know if it has been accepted? Track your request by following below steps:

- Open Friend Request App apps.facebook.com/friendrequestsafter logging in to Facebook and allow the app to access your friend requests.
- Click on the find 'past pending friend requests', for tracing previous sent requests.
- Click on Get Friend Request data button and copy paste the code from the popup.
- Finally click on the load friend request button and you will get your list of pending friend requests.
- Click on suggested tab to get a list of suggested friends or you can click on Bulk upload friend tab to confirm requests people sent to you.
- You can cancel any request just by clicking the cancel button in front of user profile from the list.

3. Remove Facebook Advertisements

Yes it is possible if you use Google Chrome! The Fabulous extension for Google chrome, helps you disable the Facebook advertisements so you can enjoy the cleaner Facebook.

4. Customize Facebook colors and fonts

The Fabulous extension of Chrome is indeed fabulous! Not only will it help you to remove the Facebook ads as we mentioned above, but it also helps you to change the color of your facebook page! Sounds amazing no?

5. Create Cool text styles for Facebook

You can create stylish font text styles for Facebook status by using Webestools that converts your text in stylish font!

6. Choose Custom Title and Description for Links

You can choose a custom title and description for links you post on Facebook by clicking on them.

7. Send large files up to 1 GB on Facebook

Yes you read it right, you can send big files upto 1 GB directly from your Facebook. One can store files in the locker till certain number of days so that your friends can download them via pipe app on Facebook. Your friends can download them in upto 1 week time.

8. Find Who UnFriends you on Facebook

Yes we know that there are a lot of spam apps that want to tell you about the old friends that have unfriended you, but it is not just a trick. It is actually possible by using unfriend alerts application for Facebook. This app sends you notifications whenever any of your friends removes you from his/her friend list.

9. Disable Seen option in Facebook Chat

We know how tricky the new 'seen at xx:xx AM' feature on Facebook chat can get. Have you ever wished to disable this feature? Well here's the solution if you have chrome. Just install FB unseen extension to your chrome browser and your friends will never get notified when you read their messages.

10. Check Who Is Online and pretending to be Offline

So you think your girl friend is online and she is trying to ignore you by getting invisible? Well before you burst into a fight, try using this app. The Online now application will help you detect which friend is using Facebook secretly while keeping Facebook Chat offline.

11. Change Facebook Themes

If you think just changing the color of Facebook wasn't enough, how about changing the colors and whole look of Facebook website? Here is another amazing chrome/mozilla extension 'Facebook themes' that allows you to change Facebook themes. 

12. Facebook Fake Wall Post Prank

This is one real fun prank for Facebook which allows you to create custom Facebook status updates, alerts, events on the behalf of others. So get set to create status updates with name of famous celebrities by using thewallmachine and connect using Facebook account in order to proceed.

13. Login to Multiple Facebook account at a Time

By using Google chrome Browser, you can login to multiple Facebook accounts at a time. Open Google chrome and login to your Facebook account. Then click the settings tab and add a new user to chrome browser. It will open a new chrome window where you can login to other Facebook account. Now, you will be able to use and manage both accounts using the two chrome windows. In the similar manner, you can access as many Facebook accounts as you like using Google chrome

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How to disable CMD in any system

Friends we can disable the most powerful tool in windows which is called CMD by this trick.

1) Press Win+ R (RUN)

2) Type gpedit.msc and Ok.

3) In Group Policy browse to

4) Double click, "Prevent access to
the command prompt."

5) Change settings to 'Enable'
and click 'ok'.
That's it.

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Basic tips for Secure Browsing

1. Never keep same password for different services you use online like gmail , facebook, bank accounts etc.,

2. Use multiple accounts so that you dont get spams in your personal/ official email address.

3. Install good Antivirus and Two way firewall.

4. Use VPN for hiding identity and secure browsing when using internet out of your home.

5. Update your OS, Antivirus, Firewall and Browsers regularly.

6. Install a good spyware & Adware scanner .

7. Never provide personal information openly in public websites. Share your information carefully.

8. Never click on unwanted or suspiicious links. It may be hacking attempt.

9. Change your passwords regularly to increase the security of your daily actiivities.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

What happens on the web in 30 seconds !

- 20,400 GB of global IP data transferred.

- 70+ BotNet Infections.

- 12 New victims of identity theft.

- 3+ New Wikipedia Articles published.

- 102 Million Emails sent.

- 700 new Mobile Users.

- 25.000 App downloads.

- $45,000 sales on Amazon.

- 31,141 hours of music played on Pandora.

- 55+ New linked in Accounts.

- Over 10 Millions photo.

- Views, 3500+ Photo uploads on Flickr.

- 165 + New Twitter accounts, 50,000+ New Tweets.

- 150,000 Facebook Log ins,
3M+ Facebook Views ,
350,000 Status update,
40,000+ Wall posts.

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400 - error is simply a bad request error, as you might be typing some unknown URL that server could not understand, so make sure that URL you are typing is write.

401 - If you try to access some unauthorized website than you might see this 401 error, so make sure you have entered correct username and password.

402 - error is specified for any kind of payment errors you receive, so if you attempting any transaction and you forgot to add payment information than you might face this error.

403 - error can cause if you are accessing any forbidden page s its somewhat similar to 401 error, so make sure you are not blocked by that website.

404 - is the most common and most recognized error, so its like most website have this error, so that website might be removed or re named so make sure spellings are good.

408 - error is the timeout error, so if you are on some page where it requires you to add something in specified time and you do not do that than you might face this 408 error.

Error 500 - Internal error.

Error 501 - Not Implemented

Error 502 - Bad Gateway

Error 503 - Service unavailable.

Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out

Error 505 - HTTP Version not supported/DNS Lookup Fail/ unknw host

Error 500-599 - Server Errors.

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